The TechCrunch Party

The TechCrunch party was a good time. It featured free pizza, free beer, and a free opportunity to meet up with some of the bigger names in the local tech field. John Cook was there and wrote an article about it. Michael Arrington was there of course, and I was able to briefly pitch him my startup idea. I also talked to Mike Davidson, CEO of Newsvine, about what it was like to start up a company, and how he went about financing it. The CEO of Wetpaint was there too, and we talked briefly about what it’s like being at a party made up of a subset of the 53,651. ie. not the real world.

The three main sponsors also gave demos : TripHub (a tool for organizing group travel), Farecast (a neat tool for predicting if airline ticket prices are going to go up or down), and Redfin (a real estate site geared towards Seattle and San Francisco). Each of the demos was fairly interesting. TripHub might be worth using for Callahan’s Bachelor Party. Farecast could be useful too, but it’s still in private beta.

3 thoughts on “The TechCrunch Party

  1. Pingback: 487460 Blog Verification

  2. Too bad we didn’t meet. I run, which features entrepreneurs and CEOs. What is your new business idea?

    Feel free to check out and shoot me an email.

  3. Hey Nathan – we met. I was also at the last npost event. I’ll let you know when we’re ready to launch 🙂

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