The Visa Card

I can now officially recommend the Visa. For a while, they weren’t sending me my gift certificates (they were getting “lost in the mail”) but yesterday they came. $125 in Amazon gift certificates which they owed me since January. With them I was able to pick up a new printer, toaster, and Seasons 1&2 of the Family Guy on DVD and still have money left over.

Depending on your spending (and whether or not you can pay rent via a credit card) you can rack up a good amount of gift certificates through this thing… it’s the typical 1% for regular purchases, but 3% on Amazon purchases for earning gift certificates. So $2500 spent equals $25 GC. Not great, but if you’re just buying stuff you’d buy anyway it’s a good reason to filter purchases through the credit card. It’s always a good idea to slap Upromise on your credit card too, in case you plan on having a kid one day. Free money for doing stuff you’d be doing anyhow.

The Amazon card also offers good integration with Quicken – it will do an automatic download with the one-step update rather than having to manually download a qif or qfx file. Pretty convenient. The APR isn’t that great, but that’s no big deal if you don’t plan on carrying a balance.