Schulte's Bachelor Party

So, since me and my 2 friends agreed we’d communicate solely through Web Logs… what’s the deal with Schulte’s bachelor party? I talked to the best man who pretty much said we should go at it. Have we done anything for it yet though? No. Do I have any free weekends between now and the wedding? Not really. Does it look like this thing will really get off the ground? It sure as hell doesn’t.

13 thoughts on “Schulte's Bachelor Party

  1. If I remember correctly, I think Callahan had some great suggestions in his e-mail responding to the e-mail you sent to the best man.

    To begin with, we need to pick a day. After that, we need to get from Schulte an e-mail list of the guys who are going to the wedding.

    As to planning the actual event, it’s up to you and me, T, as the best man surely won’t be able to throw Schulte a good time.

  2. You need to take Schulte to Boston the night of Fri August 15th because we need to use Schulte’s house for Kim’s bachelorette party that night.

  3. There is officially no more porn at the Callahan household, as I have scrambled to hell their channel 76.

  4. Isn’t that night (August 15th) the night of the rehearsal dinner?

    Callahan – I didn’t get any e-mail from you. Unless I’m an idiot and lost it…

  5. The 15th is indeed the evening of the rehearsal dinner. Which is why it’s convenient – everyone will already be in the same general vicinity. I am now issuing an order for the men to vacate said general vicinity so the women can get their game on.

  6. T, I thought I responded to the e-mail that you sent Schulte’s brother. Maybe it didn’t go through, or I might have only responded to Bryan. Either way, we should probably get started planning. I’ll work on it at work this week.

  7. Ok, if we do it that night though, that means we can’t start the party until 9pm or later, which is kind of gay but I guess we can work with it. We’ll also have to be in the Manchester area, so we should factor that into the plans.

  8. You guys don’t have to do it that night – I just thought it might be more convenient. But if it’s not, I just need to check with Schulte to see if he minds us kicking him out of his apt that evening.

  9. There’s also the possibility that we let Brian arrange Schulte’s bachelor party, in which case we can just all go to Schulte’s place that night and split the cost of the male strippers.

    (I stole that joke from Schulte, but it is funny)

  10. I won’t be back in NH until the 16th, so unless we’re going to have the party sometime before August 2nd, then the Coon Man won’t be able to make it.

  11. Schulte doesn’t know how he feels about male strippers in his apartment. Sure, there have been plenty of female strippers there, but this is naked dudes we’re talking about..

  12. Hey, the male strippers were Tom’s idea. I don’t think we were planning on having strippers – unless of course, Kim indicates otherwise.

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