Fil sent me this link today. It’s pretty neat, a short survey that basically tells you which candidate most accurately reflects your views. The survey isn’t too thorough, but it’s interesting nonetheless. These were my results:
1. Libertarian Candidate (100%)
2. Bush, George W. – US President (66%)
3. Sharpton, Reverend Al – Democrat (47%)
4. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT – Democrat (47%)
5. Kucinich, Cong. Dennis, OH – Democrat (43%)
6. Edwards, Senator John, NC – Democrat (40%)
7. Kerry, Senator John, MA – Democrat (39%)
8. Phillips, Howard – Constitution (39%)
9. Gephardt, Cong. Dick, MO – Democrat (39%)
10. Lieberman Senator Joe CT – Democrat (37%)
11. Graham, Senator Bob, FL – Democrat (32%)
12. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol IL – Democrat (23%)
13. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr. – Democrat (-8%)