I’ve always had the cheapest cell phone plan available – 200 daytime minutes per month, 1000 night and weekend minutes. I do most of my back home/family calling on weekends. It wasn’t until I moved to Seattle and joined Dodgeball that I made the slightest increase to my plan. I added 200 monthly text messages for $5, bringing my total monthly bill to $35. That may not sound like a lot to seasoned cell phone users, but it pained me to add $5 to something that I’d generally considered a “utility” that I needed but didn’t spend considerable time with.
A few months ago I started creeping over the plan limits, sometimes in daytime minutes, sometimes in text messages. I kept telling myself that “next month” I’d keep it under. Then November came and my bill made it painfully obvious that I actually use my cell phone. 637 daytime minutes, 440 text messages, and $235 later I’ve hit the harsh realization that my cell phone is actually an important part of my life.
Added on to that is the fact that I’ve really been envious of people with real internet access on their phones – an actual browser that you can actually do stuff with. So, it’s time for a change. The problem is: 1) Every provider offers internet access that I’d consider ‘too expensive’, and 2) I have yet to see a device that I actually want to use. The closest thing available is probably the Blackjack. I have my fingers crossed that Apple will announce something awesome, although that doesn’t solve the problem that internet access on the phone seems to be going for $40/month. Can someone do it for $20? I’m not talking about Cingular’s EDGE crap either – I want the good stuff.